I Will
24.95 $
When you purchase this book, you and Ben Sweetland will be ready to start a wonderful journey – not just any journey, but your journey of success.
It is always your journey of success – never your journey to success. In Ben Sweetland’s dynamic concept, success becomes a journey – never a destination. Success is all the blessings and good breaks that happen to you on the way – never what happens after you get there.
Whatever you want – more money – more energy – more friends ringing you up with happy invitations – more opportunity to advance in your work – all these, and more, are yours if you plan your journey of success wisely.
Ben Sweetland shows you how to plan your journey – step by step. Through his guidance you can make the exciting discovery of many joyous experiences in your life right now. You convert hope into realities to change your whole life to fit the mold you want for yourself.
But the author doesn’t stop at simply guiding you on your journey. He helps you take the next vital step – the step you need to jog you into action. He gives you practical, how-to-do-it-yourself suggestions.
His suggestions are in the form of specific affirmations. If you’re after Better Health, A Business Of Your Own, Concentration – or any other goals – Ben Sweetland’s affirmations will put your thinking on the right track.
Let Ben Sweetland’s I Will show you the way to success now – today. It is your promise to yourself that you will find all those things you want most.