The Magic of Thinking Success
29.95 $
Dr. David Schwartz, author of The Magic of Thinking Big which has sold over 4 million copies, instructs us how to get ourselves onto the path that will bring happiness and satisfaction. He gives us a step-by-step guide to achieving personal happiness and wealth.
Successful people do not look at their families, their jobs, their health or their net worth as the are. They jump ahead of the masses and do one simple but profound thing: They look at life as it can be, not as it is. They perceive life as it will be after application of their persistent, intelligent, “I-will-win” efforts.
Whether we spend life winning or losing depends on how we use our mindsight – what we choose to “see” or dream. A great life always begins with a great dream.
Success, wealth and happiness do not come from luck. All accomplishments stem from dreams courageous people convert into reality. The great structures we work in, the agricultural enterprises that feed us, the industries that entertain us, the institutions that educate and inspire – evolved from the ideas and dreams of productive individuals.
Remember, “The largest journey begins with one step.” A giant fortune can begin with only a few dollars. A happy life is built one day at a time.
You can make the life you’ve always dreamt of become a reality by applying the knowledge contained within The Magic of Thinking Success.
Chapters include:
- Your Personal Guide to Financial Independence
- Whistle While You Work (breaking the chains of career slavery)
- The Magic of Thinking Big! • How to Build Confidence for Success
- Give 100% for Success • Successful Techniques for Motivating People to Do What You Want
- Enthusiasm Plus Action Equals Success
- Appeal to Other’s Self-Interest to Achieve Your Goal
- 5 Sure Steps to Success Through Leadership
- 5 Never-to-be-Forgotten Keys to Success and Wealth
Author: Dr. David J. Schwartz
ISBN: 0879804203